Tom's Thoughts

I've always enjoyed learning. I like to write about things I'm doing, learning, or creating. This blog explores the thoughts of a Software Engineer.

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Jan 22, 2024

In the evolving landscape of digital communication, email spoofing poses a significant threat to the integrity of online identities. As a hobby project, and to practice AWS and software design, I have been developing an application called MovieBooker. This application streamlines the process of booking movie tickets and managing movie programs for both moviegoers and staff.

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Sep 10, 2023

It is not possible to connect to an RDS instance locally directly, you need to tunnel through an EC2 instance to reach the database securely

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May 2, 2023

Overview of terraform, Azure, Terraform and Github Actions deployment

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May 2, 2023

Overview of docker with kubernetes

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Apr 10, 2023

Summary of microservices patterns

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Jul 9, 2022

External configuration with Spring

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Jun 30, 2022

Git from the bottom up

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Jun 28, 2022

PITest setup with Spring Maven project

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Jun 26, 2022

Inversion of control with Spring

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