SOLID, 4RSD, Design Patterns and Refactoring

Written by: Tom Spencer

Jun 08, 20202 min read
Cohesion and Coupling

These two simple terms are the main if not the most important way to think about software. In order to make a judgement about a code-base we can use the extent of coupling and cohesion to determine whether it is good or not. Cohesion could involve looking at a class to determine to what extent the methods in the class are closely related. Another way to think about cohesion could involve considering a http request response web controller. On looking at a controller method you don't want the action to include module related to pdf generation and also a series of procedures relating to tax calculation since these responsibilities don't belong together.

Coupling involves looking at modules together and ascertaining to what extent change in one module would necessitate change in another module. If I changed a function in a class how many other functions would I have to change. A tightly coupled codebase can also include examples of temporal coupling. Temporal coupling occurs when an exact sequence is required for the actions of a class or module otherwise the application will not work. The more decoupled a method or codebase is the more flexible it is. Connascence is another way of describing coupling. Methods are considered to be connascent when a change in one place requires the other to be modified.


Single responsibility is when a class or method only does one thing. Open for extension and closed for modification means that your system should be open to extend through plugins. Here we can use interfaces without modifying the code. An example of the Open closed principle could include a library which is extended through configuration but not itself changed by the configuration within the application to which it has been attached. The Liskov substitution principle states that if S is subtype of T then an object of you can assign an object of a given type to an object of another type.